From the steam engine to AI

The TÜV NORD GROUP has grown in tandem and always been closely intertwined with technological progress. Here we offer a time-lapse overview of the technological milestones and innovations with which TÜV NORD has been involved.

Industry 1.0

Mobile steam engines in the Kingdom of Hanover are required to pass a final inspection prior to use.

The Norddeutsche Verein zur Überwachung von Dampfkesseln (North German Association for the Monitoring of Steam Boilers)) is founded in Hamburg at the instigation of the local association of steam boiler owners and shipping lines, followed a short time later by the Sächsisch-Anhaltinischer Verein zur Prüfung und Überwachung von Dampfkesseln (equivalent in Saxony-Anhalt of the North German association).

Industry 2.0

Lifts and the first motor vehicles join the ranks of the steam engines used in industry, agriculture and shipping that are subject to technical monitoring.


Launch of the electrotechnology department at DÜV Hannover.

Essen association of collieries sets up an “electrotechnology and materials handling” department.

First ever tests of motor vehicle drivers conducted by DÜV Hannover.


Electrical equipment in cinemas inspected for the first time (DÜV Hannover).

Specialists are given powers to audit and approve driving tests.


The central association of Prussian DÜV is renamed the Reichsverband der Technischen Überwachungs-Vereine by decree on 27.12.1937. On the same date, the general association of German steam boiler operators is absorbed into the Reichsverband.

Currency reform kick-starts the German Economic Miracle, which causes a boom on the roads of Germany – and, with it, great demand for motor vehicle inspection.


Reactor safety, energy technology and thermal energy are established as new fields of work.


Introduction of the periodic technical inspection sticker.
Approval granted for “voluntary motor vehicle inspection organisations” to conduct periodic vehicle tests.

Launch of the Institute for Reactor Safety of the TÜV (IRS) in Cologne.

Industry 3.0

The periodic technical inspection is established and constantly modified.

The same applies to the Environmental Technology field.


A new field of work for TÜV Hannover and TÜV Norddeutschland: quality management.


TÜV NORD: the first offshore wind farms.




Industry 4.0

TÜV NORD acquires DMT, adding the Natural Resources business unit to its portfolio.


TÜV NORD acquires the ALTER TECHNOLOGY GROUP, testing satellite components in its new Aerospace business unit.

Digitalisation comes to the fore in all the business units in the TÜV NORD GROUP. Lined up in the starting blocks: the first pilot project involving Artificial Intelligence (AI).


The blue TÜV NORD brand celebrates its 150th birthday – and the whole TÜV NORD GROUP joins in with the celebrations.