Measures of improvement


1200 measures of improvements initiated

Almost 60 per cent of all employees within the Group took part in the first survey in 2014. The detailed analysis of the results has identified relevant fields of action for each organisational unit. These have been discussed with the staff in workshops and appropriate measures for improvement have been worked out. Overall, some 1200 individual measures have been initiated Group-wide.

These have included improvements at team level but also extensive programmes in the business units:

  • A new development programme for managers from all business units, in order to improve the management and communication structure 
  • Launch of innovation projects, with the participation of employees
  • Regular information from the Chairman of the Management Board on the status of the new Group Strategy 2020 and also via intranet, internord, international Newsletter etc.
  • Improvement of information and communication through introduction of a new level of management (Mobility BU)
  • Improved occupational health care and revision of the annual appraisal interview ( Aerospace BU)
  • Introduction of an annual appraisal interview (Region Mediterranean/Middle East) 
  • Introduction of Newsletter (several companies in the BU Industrial Services, Region Europe)